Wayward Son

By Dabeagle


Chapter 19

“Is there going to be violence?” Woolcott asked. I wasn't sure if he'd try and stop it or conjure up some popcorn to munch on while we watched.

“If there is, I would not resist it.” Azlea said quietly.

“What...I'm not sure if this is appropriate but, what did she do?”

Ithuriel remained quiet for a minute as he studied his sisters face. His silver eyes moved from the sparkling, pliant silver I'd noted earlier to steely dull gray. He slowly stood and Woolcott tensed. Ithuriel's wings fluttered a few times, their filigree bouncing a million tiny dots of light. He looked at me and began to answer.

“The ten sefiroths are similar to independent rulers, kings in their own right. They were the ten most powerful of our kind; and power equaled control. When Yaweh fell those of us who were his princes fell into the hands of the victor, Sephiriron. Many of my fellow princes did not survive the conflict, and I became a spoil of war.

“When Yaweh ceased to be there was a small point in time when I was free of any controlling influence. I can recall wishing to strike out on my own, to not be beholden to anyone. But I was betrayed.”

“Azlea.” Gideon whispered.

“Yes, my dear sister, who was still too young to have been cultivated by a sefiroth, not only stole away my independence, but sold me out to Sephiriron.” Ithuriel said this with no emotion, no hint of how this may have affected him. “When she gave my position to him I was overwhelmed and became a prince under sway of his ethnarchy. In a cruel twist, for his true wish was to mate with Azlea, he sent me to pursue Lucifer in a quarrel he was having with him. Lucifer and I fought, great lances of power crashed through the heavens.

“I can recall,” Ithuriel's calm facade cracked a smidge, and disappeared. “I can recall the fear of challenging Lucifer, a sefiroth, and wielding all my power against him. There was pain, indescribable pain and then darkness. The rest is shattered, my memories like shards of a mirror with no semblance of what image goes with what time frame; I now know he was damaging my mind.”

“I think you resisted, even with the damage.” Woolcott said quietly.

“I do believe that is so. I cannot ...can't say if it was myself, my own morality, or because Sephuriron hadn't approved of my actions.”

“Whatever the reason, it was to our fortune. An angel doesn't go down without inflicting massive harm.” Gideon said.

“Ithuriel...I want you to know I thought I was preserving you. When Yaweh was destroyed I was afraid you'd be destroyed too, to erase all vestiges of his former glory and all the examples of his power – his princes. I thought if I could secure you a place in Sephiriron's ethnarchy then you would be safe. Instead,” she looked down, unable to face him, “He sent you to die. I did not know how he was.”

“Now you do, sister.”

“Ithuriel...you are free.” she said with a smile, raising her eyes to meet him. “Lucifer destroyed him, you have no king any longer.”

“Then I no longer have Sephiruron's power either.”

“What do you mean?” Woolcott leaned in, the smell of knowledge whetting his appetite.

“When part of an ethnarchy, the sefiroth feeds his own abilities through his princes.” Ithuriel turned his gaze to Woolcott, “For example Lucifer lulls his victims with the song from his wings. All princes who serve him can do the same, sapping one's will and creating falsehoods in their minds.”

“Hey, I know someone that can do that,” I replied sarcastically while looking at Azlea.

“Sister?” Ithuriel raised an eyebrow, but other than that he remained dispassionate.

“It is true, I am part of his entharchy,” she lowered her gaze. “Once he destroyed Sephiruron, I sought safety. Of you, there was no sign.”

“But you knew I had been sent to bring him down.” Ithuriel commented.

“I asked him once, it was all he'd allow, if you lived. He said that when he'd last seen you, life was still there. Afterward he knew not your fate.”

“Ithuriel, if you are free now, aren't you a sefiroth?” I asked.

“No, my power has waned. There is also the matter of my shattered mind.”

“It seems to be improving,” Gideon noted. “Your language is growing less stilted, your mind is repairing.”

“Perhaps. Or, perhaps whomever 'changed' my mind has it set to reprogram itself if an attempt is made to correct it.” Ithuriel remained dispassionate as he spoke. Gideon's face was troubled and he slipped into his dark angelic form and began to probe Ithuriel's Mind. After a very pregnant pause, he settled back down to human and shook his head.

“His mind is repairing, not going back to what it was.”

“Then perhaps your strength will return.” Azlea whispered.

“Perhaps. What is the current state of the sefiroths?”

“Raphael is imprisoned by Michael, who has been missing for some time now. Lucifer is still active but outside of that...silent.” Azlea reported. “Except, of course, Azrael.”

Ithuriel's brow wrinkled in thought. I tried to allow my serenity to puzzle out what he could be thinking of, but the possibilities were endless. At last he smiled. Ithuriel's smile transformed his face from one of unfeeling stone to one of transcendent joy. Literally he became beautiful, and Azlea radiated next to him, responding and paralleling his transformation.

“I have the answer.” Ithuriel turned to face Woolcott. “If, as you say, Azrael has fallen he needs tremendous power to maintain himself, the hate must be overwhelming.”

“He has managed to keep a war going for a fair amount of time, and his minions were systematically hunting human dark to extinction. That would seem to run counter to his goals, however, if the war were to end.” Woolcott theorized.

“He no longer desires maintenance, he desires triumph. By eliminating human dark he creates an irreparable imbalance – one normally kept in check by the sefiroths. As long as they continued to have offspring there would be balance. Once the balance is broken, the veil between the angelic and the fallen will be lifted.”

“Then our goals are even more pressing than ever.” I frowned. “We need to cure Seth, he's the key. That might get Lucifer on our side. If we have Lucifer and Raphael together with us, maybe we can stop Azreal?”

“It is more dire than convincing two sefiroths to join forces, child of clay.”


Ithuriel tilted his head in question.

“My name is Daniel, it's a little shorter than child of clay. Less formal too; after all...we're on the same side here, right?” I offered Ithuriel a hesitant smile.

“We are, Daniel. However, as I said, this is larger than putting Lucifer and Raphael together. Azrael has two paths to power. Destroying all human dark is one path, but much harder as they were more numerous.”

“The other is to destroy where they came from,” Azlea said with understanding. “It may well explain why so few sefiroths are in evidence.”

“Tell me everything of your encounter with Azrael.” Ithuriel demanded. We all told what we remembered from the time Azlea disappeared until he'd vanished.

“That is good news then, for Michael and Raphael must also be free as he didn't possess Michael's sword or Raphael's caduceus.” Ithuriel was glancing upward in thought.

“But how could he use all three? That staff was huge?” Aila asked.

“The sefiroth's weapons are splinters of a much larger, more powerful weapon. They can be combined and, if he had more than the staff, you would have seen his weapon idly changing from one to another.” Azlea explained.

“All right, I have our plan,” Woolcott stated. “We split up.” This was met with a chorus of shouts which Woolcott waited out before smiling thinly and continuing. “We are safest assuming the worst, and that is that Azrael has Michael.”

“Why would he have him?” Gideon asked.

“Two reasons,” Woolcott held his fingers aloft. “Firstly he is trying to assemble the weapon, for that he needs Michael's sword. He also needs Raphael's caduceus and Michael knows where Raphael is and Azrael kows this thanks to us. Therefore I will locate each and we must split up to meet our respective goals.

“Aila and myself will go after Michael. Gideon, Daniel and Ithuriel will get Raphael and Azlea will go make our case to Lucifer. Once Raphael is free, he should be brought here to heal Seth, who then can be returned to Lucifer. That should buy us some good will with Lucifer and perhaps get him to co-ordinate an attack on Azrael's position.”

“Well, how do you plan to perform the minor miracle of finding Raphael and Michael?” Gideon muttered. Woolcott sighed.

“If I take some of your essence and some of Aila's, I can use that to precisely track them.”

“You're saying this now?” Aila fairly screamed.

“Wait, what do you mean his essence?” I demanded, moving in front of Gideon.

The room fell silent as anticipation of Woolcott's answer filled the space. It was as if a spell had been cast, stopping us in our tracks and as I began to suspect that was the case, Gideon broke the silence.

“He means what he has to do is painful, and will take a bit of the very mix of human and dark that I am.” Gideon nodded at Woolcott. “Do it.”

“What? Wait!” I said in a panic, but Woolcott was already casting to take advantage of Gideon's permission. The light of the plane reached out and pinned Gideon, holding him in the air much as Azrael had done. His mouth opened in a silent scream and shadows poured from his mouth and eyes into a small globe in Woolcott's other hand. Just as suddenly as it had begun it ended and Gideon slumped to the floor. I rushed to him, his breathing heavy and his face flushed. I pulled him to my chest while trying not to look at the sorcerer lest my rage be too evident.

Aila gave her assent and moments later he repeated the spell with her. I crossed over and caught her as the spell dissipated, easing her into a sitting position. Azlea and Ithuriel watched, mere spectators to the drama. Woolcott muttered that he'd need some time and wandered off with the two globes of harvested essence. Aila was struggling to her feet and waved me off as she muttered about getting some rest.

“I would suggest the same, young sorcerer. I suspect the coming day will produce earth-shattering results.” Ithuriel murmured. I helped Gideon to his feet and led him back to our room. Tears stood out in my eyes as I opened our door and helped him to lay down. I shut the door and made my way back to Gideon, pushing pillows behind him to prop him up and make him comfortable.

“I'm okay,” Gideon soothed, “Don't cry.”

“I just don't understand why there has to be so much suffering. Why did this come to us?” I caressed his face. “I know you were hurt, so stop trying to act like a tough guy for me.”

“I hurt while he did it, but essence recovers. It's not like he stole years of my life or something.” Gideon gave me a weak smile.

“I just...I'm tired of seeing you in pain, in danger. When those thralls had you...”

“Aila said you were a machine coming for me, nothing was going to stand in your way.” Gideon smiled a bit wider.

I glanced down at the floor, away from his face. “I heard your screams and I didn't feel the pain anymore. I was just afraid I was losing you.”

“This is kind of funny, you know.” Gideon actually grinned.

“How's that?”

“Remember when you met me, you thought I was going to gobble your soul? Now you love me and you're out kicking people's ass to save mine. I mean, at the very least I should be saving yours.”

I shot him an embarrassed smile at the memory. I took hold of his hand, which he overlaid with his other hand. “Now, even though I've seen you in combat, I still can't see you as anything but a gentle healer.”

“What happened to me being sexy?”

“Okay, a gentle, sexy healer.” I smiled at him. He squeezed my hand.

“Daniel,” his hand moved up to my face, turning it to look at him. “Danny. Tomorrow all this ends. Being on the run, chasing my father and maybe even the light and dark war. One way or another the whole thing will be over.”

“How can you be so sure?” I whispered as I leaned my face into his hand.

“The essence is a direct link to our bloodlines, but it goes even deeper than that. For sure we find Raphael and Michael, the only real question is if we'll live through it all.” He sighed, “I don't blame Woolcott for not wanting to take the essence, it takes a while to recover from that so my energy level is kind of low.”

“Yeah, you need to rest.” I nodded.

“Except,” he smiled, “I've been healing. A lot.”

“Yeah?” My brows knitted.

“Your damn serenity. My healing doesn't make you horny?” Gideon smiled dopily at me. I suddenly realized I hadn't been horny at all, but now that Gideon was giving me 'the look' I was suddenly hornier than a two peckered billy goat in a nanny farm.

“I didn't realize it blocked that out, I'll have to learn to control that better.” I smiled and kissed him deeply, enjoying his hand on my back and running through my hair. I undressed him and, somehow, managed to do the same for myself as Gideon simply lay before me in contentment. I paused for a moment and took in his naked form, something I could look at for hours I felt and never tire. His length, which I had felt before as he'd taken me from my troubles, was clearly ready for me again. With him eager yet weakened I moved myself slowly in a position for him to take me again when his gentle protestations were whispered in my ear.

“Tomorrow everything ends, tonight I want to balance us. I've felt you, been inside you and watched your face and your body while I made love to you. Tonight I need that, to draw strength from you for the day ahead. I need you inside me, so that I can sleep with that warmth, that knowledge that wherever tomorrow takes us; part of you goes with me.”

I knew what he meant. I had drawn strength in the corners of my mind from his making love to me, feeling his living seed deep in my middle and knowing that I carried some of him through every hardship. Even in combat I never truly felt alone, knowing that. I worked my way between his legs, his dreamy expression never wavering, his smile only widening as I gently began to move. His body, so in tune with mine, moved in time with each advance and each withdrawal. His eyes filled with shadows and tendrils of darkness wafted from his eyes and tiny rivulets of shadow coursed down his cheeks; the tears of darkness.

He pulled me to him, my face next to his as I unraveled in him and he released. He whispered in my ear, softly as he began to drift into sleep, “I can't believe you love me. You really do love me.”

Woolcott shook my shoulder, bringing me out of a warm dream. I lay under the blanket with Gideon, holding him as he still slept. I looked blearily at Woolcott as he hooked a finger at me.

“Come on, you and I have to do a thing or two before we get everyone else together. Let him sleep a little more.” He stood and headed for the door, “Come to the hidden chamber.”

Once the door had closed I glanced down at Gideon, whose breath still moved evenly in his sleep. I traced a finger along his bare shoulder and my thoughts turned immediately to our joining the night before. My heart raced as I saw him in my minds eye, under me, and yet my mind also brought forth the feelings he'd given me previously. So much we'd shared of ourselves in those intense lovemaking sessions, as if our time was short. He shivered under my gentle touch and I pulled the blanket over his shoulder.

“I wish I had more time. I wish you could make love to me so I could draw strength from it, but the memory will have to do for today.” I kissed his cheek, “You were right Gideon Erebos, I do love you.” I felt the loss in my heart as my legs disentangled from his, as the warmth of his back was removed from my chest. It felt as though my strength had fled without his touch, silly as that may sound. I dressed quickly and headed to Woolcott's trinket room.

“Ah, good. We need to be ready today.” He'd laid out items in the room, which was it's usual disorganized chaos. On one wooden case he'd laid out armor, white leather with gold and silver chased through it. “Slip into that armor, it will be your best defense today.”

I gave him a questioning look.

“It's layered with magic runes of protection to enhance your defenses.” I pulled my tee shirt off and donned the chest piece, which adjusted on it's own to a snug fit. I slipped off my jeans and pulled on the bottoms, and then the boots which both shrank to fit. The helmet was no more than a circlet, but Woolcott assured me it would protect my whole head.

“Now, as you go out today there are two things you must focus on. First, your serenity. Listen to it, trust it. Secondly is this item.” He withdrew a small case and opened the wooden cover to reveal a tiny hammer and a container with a glass top. The container appeared to be empty and I looked again at Woolcott with a question in my eyes.

“I just want you to have it in case things go horribly wrong.” He smiled and tapped the glass with his finger, “Break in case of emergency.”

“Want to tell me what's going on?”

“Simple, really. Our chances for success are not good , so emergency measures may be necessary.” He looked at me, as he leaned for a moment against an ornate case. “Seth has almost no time left. Even though he looks much better, his time remaining is probably less than twenty four hours. Without that being solved, we can kiss Lucifer goodbye and our task goes from nearly impossible to impossible.”

“All right, that makes sense. What else?”

“Once you have cured Seth and secured Lucifer's help, you'll use this bauble to come straight to me. Don't dawdle!” he held a finger up, “I have a feeling timing will be everything today.”

“Okay. How will I know when to break this glass?”

“Well,” he looked at me uneasily, “If anything should happen that takes me out of the fight, then that's the time.”

“I see.” I pursed my lips in a grimace.

“Let's hope it doesn't come to that. Come,” he smiled, “Lets get the others.”

Once we were assembled Woolcott handed out armor similar to mine to Aila and Gideon as well. Woolcott produced the globes filled with essence that he had harvested the day before and paused, looking at us.

“You know, I'd love to have wise words to give you all here. To tell you something silly like there is a prophecy that says we win,” He grinned, “Problem is they always rhyme, at least in all the good stories, and I just didn't have time to make something up. So, how about I just tell you all not to fuck this up?”

With a final nod he took the globe of shadow essence and tossed it in the air where it hung, suspended by the power of the plane. The purple blue light of the plane swirled and then spiked around the globe, shattering it and opening a doorway into a dark space. I shook my hand and my weapon burst into life, twin blades of light and shadow at the ready. Gideon was in his dark angel form, Kris bared, but I stepped through first, ready to protect him. Once he and Ithuriel had followed me the portal winked out and we assessed our location.

“I know this place,” Ithuriel whispered. “The caves of Gehenna. Michael uses this to hide away those he punishes, but I never thought to see it. Nor did I want to.”

“Is there someone there?” A small voice carried off the stone walls. Light filtered in somehow, but I couldn't make out from where as the walls seemed to be solid rock. We slowly made our way towards the voice, which was only feet away as it turned out, just around a rocky outcropping. To say I was surprised really doesn't cover the scope of my shock. Chained to the rock walls was a nude boy of about my age, long blond hair and pale skin but behind him stretched huge white wings, looking like real feathers as opposed to the colors I'd seen on other angelic creatures. The chains on him were attached at the neck and ankle, but that only became apparent as he shifted and the light exposed the cruel, heavy chain.

“Ah, I have visitors.” The chained boys eyes were a deep brown, a warm color that I instantly recognized.

“Raphael?” I asked. The angel chuckled.

“No, he's a bit farther up. Not here for me then?” His voice hitched and he let it out in a long sigh. “I shouldn't be surprised, wouldn't want to cross Michael.” He lifted a length of the chain, “See where it gets you?”

“Who are you?” I asked gently.

He struggled to his feet, the chain weighing heavily on his neck and ankles. Facing me he gave a slight bow and replied softly, “My name is Elijah.”

“The Angel of Innocence.” Gideon whispered.

“What?” I whispered.

“Most angels are known for something, a virtue or some kind of assistance; at least biblically speaking.” He gestured at the angelic creature before us, “Elijah is the angel of innocence; he watches out for newborn children and those that die...young.”

“Well, technically I'm supposed to cover you through your teenage years, but there's just so many of you guys and very few that actually believe in me anymore. In fact,” He put a hand on his hip, “Most of the ones that do believe are way past the time I'm supposed to be there for them.”

“But, that would be assuming the bible was true.” I interjected.

“Well, parts are, after a fashion.”

“Why are you chained, brother Elijah?” Ithuriel spoke from behind us, making me jump. I'd sort of forgotten he was there.

“Ithuriel? Is that really you?” Elijah's eyes crinkled and he smiled, “It is you!”

“Yes, I am here. But you have not answered me, brother.” Ithuriel intoned.

“I was a victim of circumstance, it would seem,” he grinned wryly at Ithuriel, “I was visiting father, he was going on about the fallen when Michael burst through the chamber door ranting about father sleeping with one of his daughters. Michael, always so proper, chained us both in a fury. Honestly,” His smile faltered, “Neither of us thought this was a real issue, but Michael was furious.”

“Your father is...?” Gideon trailed off.

“Raphael,” Elijah confirmed.

“The spell did not work then; it did not lead us to Raphael,” Ithuriel stated flatly.

“The spell drew from essence and brought Gideon to...his brother.” I replied, in awe. The powerful feathered wings stirred and the shaggy blond head turned his gaze on me.


“Raphael is my father, I am here to free him.” Gideon replied.

“I...” Elijah sat down hard on the rock, seeming to have lost the ability to stand. His face and most of his body were covered by shadow and his shuddered for a moment. We stood awkwardly watching him until he lifted his gaze to meet us, tears plain on his face.

“I have a brother.”

Gideon stepped closer and Elijah reached out a hand to him, and slowly drew him into a shuddering embrace. “I have a brother,” Elijah kept murmuring.

“Do you know where your father is?” Ithuriel asked in irritation.

“I do,” Elijah said into Gideon's shoulder. Ithuriel stepped forward and released the manacles on Elijah's neck and ankle.

“Show us, we haven't much time.”

Elijah disengaged from Gideon, slowly, and shook himself, stretching. My eye was drawn to his nudity, but as he stretched his lithe body was covered slowly by loose cotton pants and a matching shirt with a deep v-neck. Leather sandals covered the soles of his feet and he wiggled his toes.

“Gladly, come with me.”

We trooped behind Elijah deeper into the caves of Gehenna, the strange ambient light always in evidence throwing enough to see by but still leaving large pools of darkness and shadow. After no more than ten minutes of walking through the cave system we came upon a full grown angel, also nude, but chained more severely than Elijah had been – his restraints were at the neck, the wrist and the ankle as well as the waist, holding him firmly against the rock. His dark eyes studied us as we approached, his wings flattened behind him against the rock. His face was classically handsome, high cheekbones and a generous mouth centered under a patrician nose.

His eyes roved over our group and finally settled on Gideon and Elijah. “At last, my wayward son.”

“Wayward? I did nothing...Oh, you mean Gideon.” Elijah smiled. “Why did you not tell me I had a brother?”

“Safety, for both of you. We are in dangerous times.” His gaze locked on me and then drifted to Ithuriel.

“Ithuriel, it is pleasing to see you again.”

“As it is to see you, Raphael.”

“I am hopeful you are here to free me?” Raphael looked around at the group of us.

“We are,” Gideon said softly, looking down.

Ithuriel stepped forward and released the bonds. Raphael's arms dropped to his sides and he too became clothed in a similar style to that of Elijah. His wings spread out, beautiful midnight colored feathers that seemed to draw light into them. He stepped forward and embraced Elijah deeply, holding him tightly before releasing him and gathering Gideon to him.

“My wayward son has finally come to me, what joy this day brings.” Gideon's arms slowly moved up and around Raphael, his body shaking. “Release your pain, my child. I am here for you.”

I watched them, my heart swelling with emotion for Gideon to finally meet his father, and to have him be so loved at first sight. I could only imagine the emotions he was feeling, the tension that he may not have even known he was carrying. He slowly released his grip on his father, who smiled down on his sons.

“I fear we are not here strictly for family reunions, sefiroth.” Ithuriel intoned, “We are here to seek your help with a healing, one of the Morningstar's children who was never trained. We hope to secure your aid as well as Lucifer's in dealing with Azrael, who has fallen.”

“How do we know this?” Raphael laid a protective hand on Elijah and Gideon's shoulders.

“I can explain that,” I replied. I launched into a full on explanation of all the evidence we'd assembled and, as I went on, Raphael slowly went from a questioning expression to one of disbelief.

“All this time, Azrael was behind it all?” Raphael put a hand to his chin, “I have been so foolish.”

“What is it father?” Elijah asked.

“I did not see, but it explains much.” Raphael glanced at the rest of us, “The other sefiroths aren't dead. Killing one is easier said than done, but if Azrael wanted to stop nephilim from being born all he really had to do was control the sefiroths, not kill them. I'm sure I know where they are, too.”

“Then we can't lose any time, we have to get you to Seth,” I exclaimed.

“One thing, however. Who are you, little child of clay?” Raphael asked as he gave me an appraising look. “How is it you know so much of angelic infighting and yet are not one yourself?”

Gideon stepped away from his family and took my hand, turning to face his father. “We belong to each other.” he said simply. “His name is Daniel and, not only is he mine, but he is a sorcerer's apprentice and a force in his own right.”

Raphael studied us for a moment and his face split into a wide smile that grew into a rumbling chuckle, “My dear Gideon, I have so much to learn about you. I cannot tell you how it warms me that you have found love, and such a strong love. Look at his face! You can see the ferocity of his heart for you! Magnificent!”

Moments later I made a portal back to our common room, and our party arrived two stronger than before. . Raphael went to Seth and beckoned Gideon over to instruct him on how to help him heal and, together, they became dark angels pulling in shadows to heal Seth once and for all. The sight was amazing, watching father and son combat the damage, healing a body that was previously bound to die, perhaps even that day.

“So,” Elijah slung an arm over my shoulders, “You and my brother eh? I should tell you, I feel bad since I should have asked you your intentions before allowing you to mate with him.”

“Excuse me?” My eyes narrowed.

“Family must look out for one another, try to protect each other,” Elijah beamed at me, “However I can see he did just fine without me. Though I do miss the idea of scouting you out ahead of time, being the big brother. So tell me, do you love my brother?”

“Yes, I do. Very much.” I replied, still a little pissy.

“I can see that,” he grinned at me, “Father was right, it's all over your face.”

“I hope you two will stick around, he's been a little lost without some family.”

“Yes, a void where we should have been.” Elijah gripped my shoulder, “I never knew, else I'd have found him. I've always wanted a brother, but my father doesn't mate as often as many others. But now, I have two new brothers and I am free. A joyous day indeed.”

“Don't get too excited, we still have Azrael to deal with.” I muttered.

“Daniel, are you always so pessimistic?” Elijah grinned at me and shook me by my shoulder, “Can you not exult in having a new family to add to your own? Will you not love me as a brother?“

“Well,” I wasn't really sure how to express my uncertainty.

“It will come,” Elijah said confidently, “You and I shall be the best of friends.”

The shadows dissipated and I stepped forward and out of Elijah's grip. Gideon had settled on the ground and we gathered around Seth, waiting for him to open his eyes. Gideon sidled up to me and began speaking in a low, excited whisper.

“Daniel, my father showed me a whole new way to heal, it's so far advanced from what I was doing, I'm sure I could have saved Seth on my own if I had known!”

I began to reply when my eyes leapt to Seth's face as his eyes fluttered and then slowly opened. I conjured a glass of water and waved my hand over it, making it glow with nutrition. After supporting Seth's head I helped him to drink a bit. He glanced around in bewilderment at the odd group around him.

“Daniel, where am I?”

After bringing Seth up to speed and having the angelic spread their wings as proof, we followed Ithuriel to meet with Lucifer. We appeared at the edge of a citadel with strong iron gates and high white walls topped with sparkling stones that refracted the light into millions of tiny stars. We gathered ourselves and entered the front of the fortress, winding our way to an inner courtyard where Lucifer waited with his court. Four angels, presumably his princes, stood near the walls and Joel was seated at his feet, happily humming a tune.

“The sorcerer does not come himself?” Lucifer asked.

“I act on his behalf,” I replied.

“You are here to complete the bargain then? Although I made this agreement with the sorcerer, I shall honor it if you have brought me my child in good health.” Lucifer scanned the rest of the group and seemed suddenly startled. “What is this?” he thundered.

“Peace, Morningstar, we come to parley. We offer no harm while we speak with you.” Raphael inclined his head towards Lucifer, who relaxed only the slightest bit.

“Parley, then. Until we are complete and you have left there will be no violence, provided you agree to same.” One by one the angelic agreed and Lucifer visibly relaxed. “Before there is any parley, I wish this bargain to be done and my son returned to me.”

Seth slowly stepped out from us, and turned his face to look at me. “You'll be okay Seth, I'm right here.”

“Will you...walk up there with me?” He asked hesitantly. I nodded and stepped next to him. He took a steadying breath and we approached the Morningstar. Telling Seth Lucifer was his father wasn't nearly as hard as explaining that Lucifer wasn't really the root of all evil. In the end it was the fact that he trusted me more than he trusted his mother or her teachings. Lucifer stood as we approached and he took a step towards Seth, slowly reaching out a hand to touch his cheek. He curled his hand behind Seth's head and pulled him to his chest.

“My dear child, you are home now.” Lucifer murmured. Seth seemed overwhelmed and only tentatively put his arms on Lucifer's sides. The angel leaned back to look down on Seth's face which was struggling with emotion. “I know your mother told you a great many things, but you and I shall work through them, my child; we shall separate the myth from the reality.”

“Lucifer, the bargain?” I prodded gently.

He glanced at me and smiled, perhaps sheepishly. “Of course, as agreed, he is returned to you.” Joel stopped humming and the beatific smile on his face slowly slipped into confusion.

“Joel?” I smiled at him and he stood up on shaky legs and wobbled over to me. I embraced him and he broke down in huge sobs, much to my surprise.

“Danny,” he cried with his chin on my shoulder and whispers entering my ears, “That was so fucked up, I was so worried you guys couldn't...that I'd be stuck....that...”

“Shh, shh. We got you, we'd never leave you brah.” I soothed him and rubbed his back.

“Lucifer, we are pleased to see your joy. We did agree to parley however, and our time is unfortunately short.” Raphael stepped forward and addressed the Morningstar.

Lucifer, for his part, dragged his eyes away from Seth with an effort and looked at his fellow sefiroth. “What is the nature of this parley, Raphael?”

“Azrael has fallen and seeks to create an imbalance, one that will forever lift the veil and allow demons to inflict carnage and freely attack us in our homes. We go now to face him and we would be better for it if you were there.”

“Parley is one thing,” Lucifer waved his hand, “But I have just now gotten my son back. I shall be staying here to instruct him.”

“I will go.” Seth said loudly.

“My child, you cannot fight Azrael!” Lucifer said in panic.

Seth turned his gaze on Lucifer, “ My friends risked everything before you kidnapped one of them in order to save me. They didn't try harder because of what you did, but I owe them my life.” He squared his shoulders and glared at Lucifer, “Even if all I do is gain them a split second by dying so that one of them might make the difference in combat, then I will.”

“You will not!” Lucifer thundered. His hands came down on Seth's shoulders and his eyes looked to the sky as he cried out, “My child shames me! While others call for help I hide and yet he, with no strength, would carry forward the name of the House of the Morningstar in battle!” He looked down on Seth with pride.

“No, my child, you will not risk yourself. But I and my ethnarchy will carry our standard into battle.” He swept his gaze around the courtyard at the gathered group. “Come, we gather then. For the last battle.”

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