Colorado Game

By Androgene


Chapter 50

He looked thinner. His cheeks were a little hollowed than I remembered. But his eyes were exactly the same; one green, one blue and, at this very moment, staring wide back into mine.

Whatever the other people in the room thought about the scene playing out in front of them, I didn't care. I also had no idea how much time had passed when the sound finally returned to my ears, and some uncomfortable coughing began to emerge at various points around the conference table.

I shook out of the moment and nodded to one of the producers, who told Mark to come in and take a seat.


The meeting went by in a flash, and I didn't recall much of what had been said. For all I knew, I might even have given up my controlling share in Forester Gaming; I wouldn't know, nor did I really care. All I knew was the sound of Mark's voice when he first croaked out a stuttered response to an inquiry, then his voice slowly turning to normal as the meeting progressed, his eyes still flicking to me from time to time, but definitely avoiding my gaze.


Once the meeting was over, we both lingered, waiting for the room to clear until only the two of us were left.

I was glad; it meant he wanted to talk, which was somewhat of a relief. All I needed was an opening, and it appeared he was willing to give it.

"Hi," he said, for the first time looking me straight in the eye. "So what's the real reason you're here?"

"Nothing gets past you, does it?" I replied, sending him a smile. "The real reason is you. But you already knew that from the moment you came in here, didn't you?" He nodded.

"That's what I figured, yes. It's too much of a coincidence, you showing up here. Nice ploy, though. How did you find me? I didn't tell Sofia."

"Even though you promised her to do so?" He lifted an eyebrow.

"Yes, I know about her visit to the loft. But it was Gloria who ratted you out."

"I should've known; she caves way too easily to romantic gestures." I bit my lower lip.

"So you know why I'm really here..."

"She didn't mention it when I spoke to her last night, but my imagination runs rampant at times; maybe I'm all wrong but I'm hoping..." He cut off, taking a deep breath. "I'm hoping..." His gaze broke away.

"So am I," I answered, swallowing hard to get rid of a sudden lump in my throat, rising from my own chair. "I know everything."


"Well, most of it. I know you were telling the truth when you said nothing happened."


"I saw a videotape. I saw it all." It became deadly silent.

"That bastard...he taped it?"

I nodded slowly, taking a step forward.

"He did, yes. And in a way, I'm glad he did."

"You are? Ross...why would you..."

"I'm glad," I cut him off, "because it made me fully realize that I'd been wrong. I should have believed you when you said it wasn't as it seemed."

"Don't....don't do that," he said, sending me a look that suddenly made me stop.

"Don't do what?" I replied, softly.

"Don't take the blame. I'm the one who decided to lie. I'm the one who decided to deceive you. I thought you were wrong, and I fell for Kyle's act. You warned me. Sofia warned me..."

"Yes, we did."

"It's my entire fault. I...I thought I knew better. He fooled me."

"If you had listened, really listened, he wouldn't have had the chance..."

It hurt to say it, seeing that it hurt Mark, but it somehow felt necessary. He had to know, even if it might scare him away but I was relieved when it didn't.

"I know. And I wish I could do it all over..."

"We can't do that, but we can try again," I replied, taking the final few steps, stopping right in front of him. "That's why I'm here. It's the only reason I'm here. But..." He looked up, his eyes searching mine.


"But there are rules."


He frowned.

"Yes," I said, using a finger to lift up his chin. "But before I say any of them, I need to do something." His frown deepened.

"What's that?"

"This," I replied softly, and lowered my lips onto his.

The kiss was as electrical as the first one we shared, all those months ago in the Aspen chalet. I pushed my tongue deep between his lips, which willingly parted, seeking his and pulling him against me, hard. He moaned softly, widening beneath me as I cupped the back of his head, devouring him with all the pent up need I'd saved for this moment.

Seconds flew by; minutes. It didn't matter. All that mattered was having him with me again. And when I finally lifted my head, I knew I had him back.

“I had a whole bunch of rules lined up but I can’t even think of any of them right now.” He smiled against my lips.

“How about; trust each other and let one another explain, no matter what it is, before we jump to conclusions?”

“That works for me,” I smiled back. Then I locked eyes with his. "I'll also want something else..."

"What? Anything..."

"Marry me."

His eyes widened.


"Marry me. Canada allows gay marriage. We get a license, and we'll get married." I answered calmly. "I don't care if it's acknowledged in the U.S. or not, I want that piece of paper saying that you’re mine as much as I am yours. Take it or leave it."

His brow tightened and his eyes searched mine, looking for a sign that I was joking. I wasn't.

"Get on your knees."

"Excuse me?" I answered. I hadn't heard that right. Was he actually going to make me...

"Get. On. Your. Knees. Ask me." I stared down at him. Was he serious? He winked. Surely he was joking...


"You're making me promise that I’ll be yours, officially to family and friends? Then you're kneeling...right now."

His eyes flickered humorously when I started to kneel and he gripped my shoulders.

"Alright, I'm kidding. You know I don't believe in that stuff..."

But I did. And he also gambled a little too far with me; now I wanted it. I continued, all the way down until my left knee touched the floor.

"I am kneeling. And I am ask..."

"Ross, come on..." he cut in.

" Mark. I am not kidding; will you marry me?"

He looked away, embarrassed. Then his eyes sought mine. It took a long time for his answer. Even longer seconds passed.

"You're serious..." he whispered, almost too soft to hear.

"Yes, I am."

He bit his lower lip again, his eyes flicking from left to right, finally coming to rest, staring into mine.


*** THE END ***